State Tax Forms for 2024 and 2025

Click on any state to view, download, or print state tax forms in PDF format.

Alabama Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Alabama Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form 40 is the Alabama income tax return form for all full-time and part-time state residents (non-residents must file a Form 40NR).
Free Printable Alabama Income Tax Estimated Income Tax Worksheet
Estimated Income Tax Worksheet
Form 40ES is an estimated tax worksheet that will allow you to calculate your estimated quarterly income tax payments. Alabama expects you to pay income tax quarterly if you owed $500 or more on your previous year's tax return.
Free Printable Alabama Income Tax Taxpayer Refund Request
Taxpayer Refund Request
If you believe Alabama issued you an incorrect income tax refund, or if you didn't get your Alabama tax refund, submit a completed Form IT:489 to the Alabama Department of Revenue.
Free Printable Alabama Tax Table
Alabama Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Alabama datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Alabama tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Alaska Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Alaska Tax Table
Alaska Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Alaska datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Alaska tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Arizona Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Arizona Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Printable 140 tax return form for Arizona residents. All Arizona taxpayers must file a Form 140 with the Arizona Department of Revenue.
Free Printable Arizona Income Tax Income Tax Instruction Packet
Income Tax Instruction Packet
Packet of instructions for filling out your Arizona Form 140 tax return.
Free Printable Arizona Income Tax Estimated Quarterly Tax Payments
Estimated Quarterly Tax Payments
Individuals who do not pay income taxes through automatic withholding may be required to pay their Arizona Income Tax quarterly using Form 140ES (Income Tax Estimate).
Free Printable Arizona Income Tax Form 140ES Instructions
Form 140ES Instructions
The instructions for filing form 140ES, the income tax form for estimated income tax, which self employed persons need to file.
Free Printable Arizona Tax Table
Arizona Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Arizona datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Arizona tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Arkansas Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Arkansas Income Tax Estimated Quarterly Tax Payments
Estimated Quarterly Tax Payments
Individuals who do not have income tax automatically deducted from their paycheck may be required to send quarterly income tax payments using Form AR1000ES to the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration.
Free Printable Arkansas Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Arkansas Form AR1000F must be filed by all qualifying taxpayers yearly. Individuals with simple tax returns may instead file a simplified return, Form AR1000S.
Free Printable Arkansas Income Tax Arkansas Income Tax Instruction Booklet
Arkansas Income Tax Instruction Booklet
This free instruction booklet provides information on Arkansas tax deductions, e-filing your tax return, getting your income tax refund, and completing your tax forms.
Free Printable Arkansas Tax Table
Arkansas Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Arkansas datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Arkansas tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

California Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable California Income Tax Tax Refund Request
Tax Refund Request
If you qualify for a refund, you need to file Form 3581. You must file Form 3581 to request payment or transfer of overpaid income tax funds.
Free Printable California Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form 540 is the general-purpose income tax return form for California residents. It covers the most common credits and is also the most used tax form for California residents. Part-time or nonresident filers must instead file form 540NR.
Free Printable California Income Tax California 540 Form Instruction Booklet
California 540 Form Instruction Booklet
This document contains the official instructions for filling out your California Form 540/540A. Use this booklet to help you fill out and file Form 540 or 540A.
Free Printable California Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form 5402ez is a simplified tax form for individuals who don't have many complex taxes to file for.
Free Printable California Income Tax Estimated Quarterly Tax Payment
Estimated Quarterly Tax Payment
Form 540ES includes four estimated tax payment vouchers for use by individuals who must file quarterly estimated tax payments. If you are self employed or do not have taxes withheld from your salary, you may need to file form 540ES.
Free Printable California Income Tax Form 540ES Instruction Booklet
Form 540ES Instruction Booklet
This printable booklet contains instructions for filling out and filing form 540ES, the self employment tax voucher form. If you are self employed or do not have sufficient taxes withheld from your income, you need to file form 540ES.
Free Printable California Income Tax Nonresident Income Tax Return
Nonresident Income Tax Return
Nonresidents of California who need to file income taxes in the state need to file form 540NR for any California income taxes. Nonresidents do not need to file the typical Form 540.
Free Printable California Tax Table
California Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable California datasheet including an income tax table, a list of California tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Colorado Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Colorado Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form 104 is the general, and simplest, income tax return for individual residents of Colorado. You may file by mail with paper forms or efile online.
Free Printable Colorado Income Tax Individual Income Tax Filing Guide
Individual Income Tax Filing Guide
Use this instructional booklet to guide you in filling out and filing your Form 104 individual income tax return.
Free Printable Colorado Income Tax Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Estimated tax payments are due on a quarterly basis; The due dates are: April 15 (first calender quarter), June 15 (second calender quarter), September 15
Free Printable Colorado Income Tax Nonresident Income Tax Return
Nonresident Income Tax Return
Nonresidents of Colorado who need to file income taxes in the state need to file Form 104PN.
Free Printable Colorado Income Tax Estimated Income Tax Underpayment Form
Estimated Income Tax Underpayment Form
If you failed to pay or underpaid your estimated income taxes the previous tax year, you need to fill out Form 204 to calculate and pay any penalties or fees owed.
Free Printable Colorado Tax Table
Colorado Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Colorado datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Colorado tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Connecticut Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Connecticut Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form CT-1040 is the general Connecticut income tax return for all in-state filers.
Free Printable Connecticut Income Tax Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Estimated tax payments must be sent to the Department of Revenue Services of Connecticut on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable Connecticut Income Tax Nonresident Income Tax Return
Nonresident Income Tax Return
CT-1040NR/PY is a special income tax return for nonresidents or part-time residents of Connecticut who file a Connecticut tax return.
Free Printable Connecticut Income Tax Form CT-1040 Instruction Booklet
Form CT-1040 Instruction Booklet
If you are self employed, even part of the time, you need to file estimated quarterly taxes using form CT-140ES.
Free Printable Connecticut Tax Table
Connecticut Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Connecticut datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Connecticut tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Delaware Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Delaware Income Tax Nonresident Income Tax Return
Nonresident Income Tax Return
Form 200-02 is an amended tax return form for part-time or non-residents who are filing a Delaware income tax return.
Free Printable Delaware Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form 200-01 is the default income tax return form for Delaware residents.
Free Printable Delaware Income Tax Application for Automatic Extension
Application for Automatic Extension
This application allows you to file for an automatic extension of time to file your Delaware Individual Income Tax Return. This form is due by April 30th, 2013.
Free Printable Delaware Income Tax Estimated Income Tax (First Quarter)
Estimated Income Tax (First Quarter)
Self employed individuals need to file quarterly estimated income taxes, this form is for the first quarter of 2013 and is due April 30th.
Free Printable Delaware Income Tax Estimated Income Tax (Fourth Quarter)
Estimated Income Tax (Fourth Quarter)
Self employed individuals need to file quarterly estimated income taxes, this form is for the fourth quarter of 2013 and is due January 15th, 2014.
Free Printable Delaware Income Tax Estimated Income Tax (Second Quarter)
Estimated Income Tax (Second Quarter)
Self employed individuals need to file quarterly estimated income taxes, this form is for the first quarter of 2013 and is due June 17th.
Free Printable Delaware Income Tax Estimated Income Tax (Third Quarter)
Estimated Income Tax (Third Quarter)
Self employed individuals need to file quarterly estimated income taxes, this form is for the third quarter of 2013 and is due September 16th.
Free Printable Delaware Income Tax Delaware Income Tax Instruction Booklet
Delaware Income Tax Instruction Booklet
This downloadable packet contains instructions for completing your Form 200 and answers to frequently asked tax questions.
Free Printable Delaware Tax Table
Delaware Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Delaware datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Delaware tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

District Of Columbia Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable District Of Columbia Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form D-40 is the default income tax return form for all residents of Washington, DC. D-40EZ is the simpler of the two forms, for filers with no dependants. This form also includes instructions.
Free Printable District Of Columbia Income Tax Estimated Quarterly Tax Payment
Estimated Quarterly Tax Payment
Form D-40ES contains payment vouchers and instructions for submitting quarterly estimated tax payments.
Free Printable District Of Columbia Income Tax Payment Voucher
Payment Voucher
Form D-40P is a payment voucher which must be submitted with your D-40 tax return if you owe income tax.
Free Printable District Of Columbia Income Tax Extension of Time to File
Extension of Time to File
You must file this request for an extension of time to file by April 15th.
Free Printable District Of Columbia Tax Table
District Of Columbia Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable District Of Columbia datasheet including an income tax table, a list of District Of Columbia tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Florida Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Florida Tax Table
Florida Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Florida datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Florida tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Georgia Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Georgia Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form 500 is the general income tax return form for all Georgia residents.
Free Printable Georgia Income Tax Estimated Quarterly Tax Return
Estimated Quarterly Tax Return
Form 500-ES contains an estimated tax worksheet and a voucher for mailing quarterly estimated income tax payments.
Free Printable Georgia Income Tax Short Individual Income Tax Return
Short Individual Income Tax Return
Form 500-EZ is the short form for filing your individual income tax return. Persons with very simple taxes may file this form.
Free Printable Georgia Income Tax Tax Credits
Tax Credits
Form IND-CR should be included with your Form 500 if you want to claim tax credits like dependent care or a home purchase.
Free Printable Georgia Tax Table
Georgia Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Georgia datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Georgia tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Hawaii Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Hawaii Income Tax Estimated Quarterly Tax Payment
Estimated Quarterly Tax Payment
Form N-1 includes instructions and payment vouchers for making estimated quarterly income tax payments.
Free Printable Hawaii Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form N-11 is the general tax return form for Hawaii residents. This form should be filled out electronically.
Free Printable Hawaii Income Tax Nonresident Individual Income Tax Return
Nonresident Individual Income Tax Return
Form N-15 is the general tax return form for Hawaii nonresidents and part-time residents.
Free Printable Hawaii Income Tax Hawaii Income Tax Instruction Booklet
Hawaii Income Tax Instruction Booklet
This booklet includes instructions for filling out your Form N-11 as well as answers to frequently asked questions about your Hawaii tax return.
Free Printable Hawaii Tax Table
Hawaii Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Hawaii datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Hawaii tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Idaho Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Idaho Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form 40 is the standard income tax return for Idaho. All full-time residents are required to complete and submit their form 40 by April 15th.
Free Printable Idaho Income Tax Tax Payment Voucher
Tax Payment Voucher
Include a completed Form 40V payment voucher with all cash or check tax payments you send to the Idaho tax Commission to ensure you are properly credited with your payment.
Free Printable Idaho Income Tax Nonresident Income Tax Return
Nonresident Income Tax Return
All nonresidents or part-year residents who earned income in Idaho during the last tax year must file a Form 43 nonresident income tax return with the Idaho State Tax Commission.
Free Printable Idaho Income Tax Estimated Income Tax Payment Voucher
Estimated Income Tax Payment Voucher
If you are self employed and do not have tax withholding deducted from your salary you can file an estimated income tax payment by completing Form 51. Estimated payments, however, are not required under Idaho law. This document includes an estimated tax w
Free Printable Idaho Income Tax Idaho Income Tax Instruction Booklet
Idaho Income Tax Instruction Booklet
This free booklet includes instructions on how to fill out your Idaho income tax return. Includes instructions on making estimated payments and completing Forms 40, 43, 39R, 39NR, and 44.
Free Printable Idaho Tax Table
Idaho Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Idaho datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Idaho tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Illinois Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Illinois Income Tax Payment Voucher
Payment Voucher
Submit a completed payment voucher with all tax payments to the Illinois Department of Revenue to ensure that your payment is properly credited to your account.
Free Printable Illinois Income Tax Illinois Individual Income Tax Return
Illinois Individual Income Tax Return
Form IL-1040 is the standard Illinois income tax return for all permanent residents of Illinois.
Free Printable Illinois Income Tax Estimated Income Tax Return
Estimated Income Tax Return
If you owe more then $500 a year in income tax on April 15th (because of self employment or other income without tax withholding) you must file a quarterly income tax payment using the worksheet and payment voucher included in Illinois form IL-1040-ES.
Free Printable Illinois Income Tax Illinois Income Tax Instructional Booklet
Illinois Income Tax Instructional Booklet
This printable booklet includes instructions for filling out your IL-1040 form
Free Printable Illinois Income Tax Illinois Credits
Illinois Credits
If you qualify for certain tax credits that are not listed on your other tax forms, you need to file schedule CR to claim those credits.
Free Printable Illinois Income Tax Nonresident Income Tax Form
Nonresident Income Tax Form
If you are a part-time resident of nonresident of Illinois but have income earned in Illinois, you must complete a Schedule NR in addition to an Illinois IL-1040 tax return.
Free Printable Illinois Income Tax Schedule NR Instruction Booklet
Schedule NR Instruction Booklet
If you are a part-time resident of nonresident of Illinois but have income earned in Illinois, you must complete a Schedule NR in addition to an Illinois IL-1040 tax return. This booklet will help you complete the schedule.
Free Printable Illinois Tax Table
Illinois Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Illinois datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Illinois tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Indiana Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Indiana Income Tax County Tax Schedule
County Tax Schedule
If you are an Indiana resident, use the County tax Schedule to determine your local and county income tax.
Free Printable Indiana Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
All Indiana residents who earned income in the last year must file Form IT-40 with the Indiana Department of Revenue. If you have a simple tax return, you can file form IT-40 EZ instead.
Free Printable Indiana Income Tax Simple Income Tax Return
Simple Income Tax Return
If you have a simple state tax return, you can file an IT-40 EZ form instead of the regular Form IT-40.
Free Printable Indiana Income Tax Indiana Income Tax Instruction Booklet
Indiana Income Tax Instruction Booklet
This booklet includes instructions for filling out and filing your IT-40 income tax return.
Free Printable Indiana Income Tax Income Tax Deductions
Income Tax Deductions
File Schedule 2 with your IT-40 tax return to itemize your income tax deductions.
Free Printable Indiana Income Tax Income Tax Credits
Income Tax Credits
File a completed Schedule 5 if you wish to claim itemized tax credits on your Form IT-40.
Free Printable Indiana Income Tax Additional Required Information
Additional Required Information
Schedule 7 is used for reporting additional information not reported on other schedules, such as out-of-state income, farm/fishing income, or the death of a taxpayer listed in Form IT-40.
Free Printable Indiana Income Tax Income Tax Exemptions, Other Taxes
Income Tax Exemptions, Other Taxes
File Schedules 3 & 4 to itemize your tax exemptions, and additional taxes paid.
Free Printable Indiana Tax Table
Indiana Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Indiana datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Indiana tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Iowa Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Iowa Income Tax Estimated Income Tax Instructions
Estimated Income Tax Instructions
This free instructions booklet will help you file your Form 1040ES Vouchers.
Free Printable Iowa Income Tax Payment Voucher
Payment Voucher
If you submit your tax payment as a check or money order, enclose a completed Form IA-1040V with your payment. Iowa encourages all taxpayers to submit their payments electronically for faster processing.
Free Printable Iowa Income Tax Estimated Income Tax Return
Estimated Income Tax Return
If you don't have your tax withholding with an employer, you may be responsible for submitting your tax quarterly. Use the estimated tax coupons in form IA-1040ES to submit your quarterly payments.
Free Printable Iowa Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
IA-1040 is the long-version Iowa 1040 income tax return, for use by all in-state residents. This version of IA-1040 is a PDF form that can be filled out and printed for easy filing.
Free Printable Iowa Income Tax Itemized Deductions & Special Income
Itemized Deductions & Special Income
Schedules A and B are addendums to the Iowa 1040 for reporting specific deductions (such as taxes, medical expenses, donations, etc) and reporting dividend and interest income. If you wish to claim any of these deductions or have earned any qualifying int
Free Printable Iowa Income Tax Itemized Deductions & Special Income
Itemized Deductions & Special Income
Schedules A and B are addendums to the Iowa 1040 for reporting specific deductions (such as taxes, medical expenses, donations, etc) and reporting dividend and interest income. If you wish to claim any of these deductions or have earned any qualifying int
Free Printable Iowa Tax Table
Iowa Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Iowa datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Iowa tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Kansas Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Kansas Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form KS-40 is the general Kansas Income Tax return, which also doubles as a ""Food Sales Tax Refund"" form. The K-40 form is two pages long, and can be used by both residents and nonresidents (although nonresidents must also file Schedule S part B).
Free Printable Kansas Income Tax Estimated Income Tax Return
Estimated Income Tax Return
If your income is not subject to tax withholding from an employer, you may be responsible for paying your Kansas income tax quarterly. Failure to file quarterly if your income is not withheld may result in a penalty. Form KS-40ES includes an estimated tax w
Free Printable Kansas Income Tax Payment Voucher
Payment Voucher
If you are submitting a payment along with a mailed copy of your Kansas income tax return, you must submit a completed form KS-40V along with your check or money order (payable to ""Kansas Income Tax""). If you are submitting your payment electronically, this form is not needed.
Free Printable Kansas Income Tax Form k-40 Instructions
Form k-40 Instructions
This booklet of instructions will help you to file your income taxes if you will be filing form k-40.
Free Printable Kansas Income Tax Supplemental Tax Schedule
Supplemental Tax Schedule
Schedule S is a two-page form that includes various modifications and additions for filing with your KS-40, including places for reporting income from sources including social security and various interest-bearing investments. Nonresidents or part-time re
Free Printable Kansas Tax Table
Kansas Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Kansas datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Kansas tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Kentucky Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Kentucky Income Tax Income Tax Refund Application
Income Tax Refund Application
If you are due a tax refund for this fiscal year, you must submit a completed Form 40A100 income tax refund request. This form may be used by both individuals and corporations requesting an income tax refund.
Free Printable Kentucky Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form 740 is the Kentucky income tax return for use by all taxpayers. This PDF packet includes Form 740, supplemental schedules, and tax instructions combined in one document, updated for the 2011 tax year.
Free Printable Kentucky Income Tax Short Individual Income Tax Form
Short Individual Income Tax Form
If you're an individual with relatively simple taxes you may qualify to file the simplified tax form 740-EZ.
Free Printable Kentucky Income Tax Estimated Income Tax Return
Estimated Income Tax Return
If you do not have income tax withheld from your paychecks by an employer, you may have to submit quarterly estimated payments to Kentucky. You can use the four estimated tax vouchers included in Form 740-ES to mail your estimated payments to the Kentucky
Free Printable Kentucky Income Tax Form 740 Instructions
Form 740 Instructions
This free booklet contains instructions on how to fill out and file your Income Tax Form 740, for general individual income taxes.
Free Printable Kentucky Income Tax Kentucky Itemized Deduction Worksheet
Kentucky Itemized Deduction Worksheet
Specific itemized deductions must be listed on Schedule A and attached to your Form 740 in order to be deducted from your gross income. Schedule A includes fields for deducting local income and property taxes, a percentage of qualifying medical expenses,
Free Printable Kentucky Tax Table
Kentucky Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Kentucky datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Kentucky tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Louisiana Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Louisiana Tax Table
Louisiana Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Louisiana datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Louisiana tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Maine Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Maine Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form 1040-ME is one of the general individual income tax returns for residents of Maine. This booklet includes instructions as well as the form itself.
Free Printable Maine Income Tax Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Form 1040ES-ME vouchers must be filed with the Maine Revenue Services on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable Maine Income Tax Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
If you failed to pay or underpaid your estimated income tax for the previous year, you must fill out and file form 2210ME to calculate and pay any interest or penalties owed.
Free Printable Maine Income Tax Form 1040-ME Instructions
Form 1040-ME Instructions
This booklet contains all the information you need to fill out and file form 1040-ME for your individual income taxes.
Free Printable Maine Income Tax Maine Tax Tables
Maine Tax Tables
These tables display what your state taxes per your income should be before any deductions, credits or any other alterations are applied.
Free Printable Maine Income Tax Individual Income Tax Rates
Individual Income Tax Rates
This is a short page showing the tax rate schedules of single individuals, married persons filing separately, unmarried or legally separated individuals who qualify as heads of households, married individuals and surviving spouses filing joint returns.
Free Printable Maine Tax Table
Maine Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Maine datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Maine tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Maryland Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Maryland Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form 502 is the individual income tax return form for residents that are not claiming any dependants. If you are claiming any dependants, use form 502B.
Free Printable Maryland Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form 502 and form 502B filed together are the individual income tax return forms for Maryland residents claiming any dependants.
Free Printable Maryland Income Tax Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
You must file estimated individual income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Form 502D is meant to be filed on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable Maryland Income Tax Extension of Time to File
Extension of Time to File
Use Form 502E to apply for an extension of time to file your taxes.
Free Printable Maryland Income Tax Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
If you underpaid or failed to pay your estimated income taxes for the previous tax year, you must file Form 502UP to calculate and pay and interest or penalties due.
Free Printable Maryland Tax Table
Maryland Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Maryland datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Maryland tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Massachusetts Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Massachusetts Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form 1 is the general individual income tax return for Massachusetts state residents. You may file by mail on paper forms or online thorugh efiling.
Free Printable Massachusetts Income Tax Individual Income Tax Instructions
Individual Income Tax Instructions
Use these instructions to help you fill out and file your Form 1 individual income tax return with the Massachusetts Department of Revenue.
Free Printable Massachusetts Income Tax Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
You must file estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Form 1-ES needs to be filed with the Massachusetts Department of Revenue on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable Massachusetts Income Tax Estimated Income Tax Instructions
Estimated Income Tax Instructions
If you are self employed or need to file Form 1-ES for other reasons, these instructions will help you to fill out and file the form correctly.
Free Printable Massachusetts Income Tax Payment Voucher
Payment Voucher
If you owe any payment to Massachusetts for income taxes, you need to file Form PV along with your tax forms and payment.
Free Printable Massachusetts Tax Table
Massachusetts Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Massachusetts datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Massachusetts tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Michigan Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Michigan Income Tax Homestead Property Tax Credit Claim
Homestead Property Tax Credit Claim
When claiming the Michigan property tax credit, you need to file form 1040CR along with your income taxes.
Free Printable Michigan Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form MI-1040 is the most common individual income tax return filed for Michigan State residents. You must file MI-1040 once a year; you may file online with efile or by mail.
Free Printable Michigan Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return Guide
Individual Income Tax Return Guide
Use this instructional booklet to help you file your MI-1040 individual income tax return. You can file MI-1040 online by efiling on paper forms by mail.
Free Printable Michigan Income Tax Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
You must file estimated tax returns on a quarterly basis if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. The due dates are April 17, June 15, September 17 (2012), and January 15 (2013) for the 2012 tax year.
Free Printable Michigan Income Tax Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
If you failed to pay or underpaid your estimated income tax for 2011, you must fill out and file Form MI-2210 to calculate and pay any interest or penalties.
Free Printable Michigan Income Tax Income Tax Online Payment Voucher
Income Tax Online Payment Voucher
If you are filing your individual income taxes with the efile system, you also need to file this payment voucher. Instructions are included with this form.
Free Printable Michigan Income Tax Nonresident Income Tax Schedule
Nonresident Income Tax Schedule
Any nonresident of Michigan who files an income tax return for the state needs to file Schedule NR.
Free Printable Michigan Tax Table
Michigan Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Michigan datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Michigan tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Minnesota Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Minnesota Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form M1 is the most common individual income tax return filed for Minnesota residents. You must file yearly by April 17.
Free Printable Minnesota Income Tax Child and Dependent Care Credit
Child and Dependent Care Credit
If you care for a child or dependent of your household, you may need to file form M1CD along with your other tax form/s.
Free Printable Minnesota Income Tax Nonresident Income Tax Form
Nonresident Income Tax Form
If you are a nonresident of Minnesota, or a part time resident, and you have earned income in Minnesota, then you need to file form M1NR.
Free Printable Minnesota Income Tax Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
If you failed to pay or underpaid your estimated income tax for the previous tax year, you must file Schedule M15 to calculate and pay any interest or penalties due to the Minnesota Department of Revenue.
Free Printable Minnesota Tax Table
Minnesota Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Minnesota datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Minnesota tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Mississippi Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Mississippi Income Tax Individual Income Tax Instructions
Individual Income Tax Instructions
Use this instructional booklet to aid you with filling out and filing your Form 80-105 tax return. You may file your Form 80-105 with paper forms through the mail or online with efiling.
Free Printable Mississippi Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form 80-105 is the general individual income tax form for Mississippi residents. You must file, online or through the mail, yearly by April 17.
Free Printable Mississippi Income Tax Payment Voucher
Payment Voucher
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. You need to file form 80-300 with the Mississippi Department of Revenue on a quarterly basis. This form is the replacement of the self employment vouchers
Free Printable Mississippi Income Tax EZ Individual Income Tax Form
EZ Individual Income Tax Form
This form should only be filed by a single person with no dependants and with only wages and interest income.
Free Printable Mississippi Income Tax Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
If you underpaid or failed to pay your estimated income tax for the previous tax year, you must file form 80-320 to calculate and pay any interest or penalties due.
Free Printable Mississippi Tax Table
Mississippi Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Mississippi datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Mississippi tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Missouri Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Missouri Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form MO-1040 is the general individual income tax return for residents of Missouri. You must file your taxes yearly by April 15.
Free Printable Missouri Income Tax Individual Income Tax Instructional Booklet
Individual Income Tax Instructional Booklet
Use this instructional booklet to help you fill out your MO-1040 individual income tax return on a yearly basis.
Free Printable Missouri Income Tax Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Fill out and file vouchers on a quarterly basis to file with the Missouri Department of Revenue.
Free Printable Missouri Income Tax Estimated Individual Income Tax Instructions
Estimated Individual Income Tax Instructions
Use this instructional booklet to help you fill out, file, and pay your estimated individual income taxes on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable Missouri Income Tax Property Tax Credit Claim / Pension Exemption
Property Tax Credit Claim / Pension Exemption
If you paid property tax or need a pension tax exemption, file form MO-1040 along with your other tax forms.
Free Printable Missouri Income Tax Payment Voucher
Payment Voucher
Include this voucher with any payments that you send with your income tax forms.
Free Printable Missouri Income Tax Missouri Tax Table
Missouri Tax Table
This tax table is a useful reference for calculating your tax bracket and payments due. Make note of which year it is.
Free Printable Missouri Tax Table
Missouri Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Missouri datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Missouri tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Montana Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Montana Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form 2 is the general individual income tax return form. You may file it by mail or you can efile online for free on the Montana Department of Revenue website.
Free Printable Montana Income Tax Individual Income Tax Instructional Booklet
Individual Income Tax Instructional Booklet
Use this free instructional booklet to help you file your Form 2 tax returns by mail or online via the Montana Department of Revenue's website. This booklet does not include the form.
Free Printable Montana Income Tax Individual Income Tax Short Form
Individual Income Tax Short Form
File this form if you are a Montana resident with very simple taxes to file. You must be filing as single or married with no dependants.
Free Printable Montana Income Tax Individual Income Tax Short Form Instructions
Individual Income Tax Short Form Instructions
This booklet will help you to properly fill out an file Form 2EZ, your Montana resident individual income short tax form.
Free Printable Montana Income Tax Payment Voucher and Instructions
Payment Voucher and Instructions
If you are submitting a form for estimated tax, a tax extension, or amended return payments, you need to include this form when sending it to the Montana Department of Revenue.
Free Printable Montana Income Tax Individual Income Tax Table
Individual Income Tax Table
This table will give you a straightforward number of state taxes based on your income, before any deductions or other alterations to the amount.
Free Printable Montana Income Tax Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
Use this form to calculate and pay any fees or interest due with your estimated income tax return when you pay it in full after the official due date.
Free Printable Montana Tax Table
Montana Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Montana datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Montana tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Nebraska Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Nebraska Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form 1040N is the general income tax return for Nebraska residents. You must file it on a yearly basis to calculate and pay any money dur to the Nebraska Department of Revenue.
Free Printable Nebraska Income Tax Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
You must pay estimated tax if you don't have your tax withholding taken out by an employer, or if you are self employed. Use the estimated income tax vouchers in form 1040N-ES to submit your quarterly payments.
Free Printable Nebraska Income Tax Individual Income Tax Informational Booklet
Individual Income Tax Informational Booklet
This booklet contains some forms, instructions, tax tables, and additional information on filing you individual income taxes.
Free Printable Nebraska Income Tax Income Tax Calculation Schedule
Income Tax Calculation Schedule
Use this calculation schedule to help you caluclate the amount of money due to the Nebraska Department of Revenue for your for your income taxes this year.
Free Printable Nebraska Income Tax Adjustment to Income, Tax Credits, and Nonresident Taxes
Adjustment to Income, Tax Credits, and Nonresident Taxes
These three schedules are included on one form.
Schedule I: Nebraska Adjustments to Income for Nebraska Residents, Nonresidents, and Partial-Year Residents
Schedule II: Credit for Tax Paid to Another State for Full-Year Residents Only
Free Printable Nebraska Income Tax Tax Table
Tax Table
Use this tax table to calculate or as an extra reference while filing your taxes.
Free Printable Nebraska Tax Table
Nebraska Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Nebraska datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Nebraska tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Nevada Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Nevada Tax Table
Nevada Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Nevada datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Nevada tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

New Hampshire Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable New Hampshire Income Tax Interest and Dividends Tax Return
Interest and Dividends Tax Return
If you have qualifying interest or dividend income you must submit Form DP-10, the New Hampshire Interest and Dividends Income Tax Return. You do not need to file this return if you do not have any qualifying taxable interest or dividend income.
Free Printable New Hampshire Income Tax 2012 Interest and Dividends Tax Estimated Quarterly Payments
2012 Interest and Dividends Tax Estimated Quarterly Payments
If you expect to owe more then $500 in Interest and Dividends tax to the state of New Hampshire for this year, use Form DP-10-ES to submit quarterly estimated income tax payments.
Free Printable New Hampshire Income Tax Exceptions and Penalty for Underpayment of Estimated Tax
Exceptions and Penalty for Underpayment of Estimated Tax
If you are exempt from or underpaid your estimated income tax, then you need to file Form DP-2210-2220 along with your other tax forms.
Free Printable New Hampshire Income Tax Form DP-2210-2220 Instructions
Form DP-2210-2220 Instructions
This booklet will help you to detirmine if you need to file Form DP-2210-2220 and will help you to properly fill out and file the form as well.
Free Printable New Hampshire Income Tax Interest and Dividends Tax Instruction Booklet
Interest and Dividends Tax Instruction Booklet
Use this instructional booklet to learn how to fill out Form DP-10 and pay your New Hampshire Interest and Dividends tax.
Free Printable New Hampshire Tax Table
New Hampshire Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable New Hampshire datasheet including an income tax table, a list of New Hampshire tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

New Jersey Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable New Jersey Income Tax Form NJ-1040-ES Instructions
Form NJ-1040-ES Instructions
If you need to file Form NJ-1040-ES, reference this booklet to help you fill out and file your taxes.
Free Printable New Jersey Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form NJ-1040 is the general income tax return for New Jersey residents. NJ-1040 can be eFiled using NJWebFile, or a paper copy can be filed via mail. If you are an out-of-state filer, you must use form NJ-1040NR.
Free Printable New Jersey Income Tax Estimated Tax Vouchers
Estimated Tax Vouchers
If you are a small business owner, self employed, or have income that is not subjected to tax withholding you may be required to submit quarterly estimated tax payments using a voucher from Form NJ-1040-ES. You are explicitly required to submit quarterly p
Free Printable New Jersey Income Tax Property Tax Credit Application
Property Tax Credit Application
Form NJ-1040-H is a property tax credit application available to certain home-owners and tenants. This property tax credit is only available on certain years - it has been suspended by the New Jersey State Budget for 2011.
Free Printable New Jersey Income Tax Nonresident Income Tax Return
Nonresident Income Tax Return
Form NJ-140NR is the nonresident version of the NJ-1040 income tax return. This form must be filed by all out of state or part time resident taxpayers who earned over $10,000 in New Jersey over the last year (or $20,000 if filing as a couple or Head of Ho
Free Printable New Jersey Income Tax Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
If you failed to pay or underpaid your estimated taxes for the past tax year, you must file form NJ-2210 to calculate any interest or penalties due with your income tax return.
Free Printable New Jersey Income Tax Form NJ-1040 Instructions
Form NJ-1040 Instructions
If you need to file Form NJ-1040, reference this booklet to help you fill out and file your taxes.
Free Printable New Jersey Tax Table
New Jersey Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable New Jersey datasheet including an income tax table, a list of New Jersey tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

New Mexico Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable New Mexico Income Tax Individual Income Tax Form
Individual Income Tax Form
Everyone who is require to file a New Mexico Individual Income Tax Form needs to fill out and file a FORM PIT-1.
Free Printable New Mexico Income Tax Estimated Tax Payment Voucher
Estimated Tax Payment Voucher
If you are self employed or otherwise need to file estimated income taxes (if your employer doesnt wothhold your taxes), file Form PIT-ES.
Free Printable New Mexico Income Tax Estimated Tax Instructions
Estimated Tax Instructions
Reference this booklet for information on who qualifies to file Form PIT-ES and for instructions on how to fill out and file Form PIT-ES.
Free Printable New Mexico Income Tax Payment Voucher
Payment Voucher
When making a payment towards your taxes file this payment voucher along with your payment.
Free Printable New Mexico Income Tax Individual Income Tax Instructions
Individual Income Tax Instructions
Reference this booklet to help you fill out and file Form PIT-1.
Free Printable New Mexico Income Tax Tax Rates Table
Tax Rates Table
This tax table has information on how much state tax you pay based on your income, before any credits or other alterations are applied.
Free Printable New Mexico Tax Table
New Mexico Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable New Mexico datasheet including an income tax table, a list of New Mexico tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

New York Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable New York Income Tax Individual Income Tax Instructions
Individual Income Tax Instructions
If you are a nresident of New York you need to file form 201. This instruction booklet will help you to fill out and file form 201.
Free Printable New York Income Tax Nonresident Income Tax Instructions
Nonresident Income Tax Instructions
If you are a nonresident of New York who needs to file income taxes with the state, you must file form 203. This instruction booklet will help you to fill out and file form 203.
Free Printable New York Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form IT-201 is the standard New York income tax return for state residents. Nonresidents and part-time residents must use must use Form IT-203 instead.
Free Printable New York Income Tax Additional Taxes and Tax Credits
Additional Taxes and Tax Credits
Form IT-201-ATT is a schedule that can be attached to your Form IT-201 Income Tax Return for itemizing tax credits claimed and additional taxes owed (including capital gains and other misc. taxes).
Free Printable New York Income Tax Nonresident Income Tax Return
Nonresident Income Tax Return
Form IT-203 is the nonresident and part year resident income tax return.
Free Printable New York Income Tax Earned Income Tax Credit Claim
Earned Income Tax Credit Claim
Fill out and attach Form IT-215 if you qualify for the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and would like to claim the New York Earned Income Tax Credit.
Free Printable New York Income Tax Child & Dependent Care Credit Claim
Child & Dependent Care Credit Claim
Fill out and attach Form IT-215 if you qualify for the Federal Child Credit and would like to claim New York's Child & Dependent Care Tax Credit.
Free Printable New York Tax Table
New York Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable New York datasheet including an income tax table, a list of New York tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

North Carolina Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable North Carolina Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form D-400 is the general income tax return for North Carolina residents. D-400 can be eFiled, or a paper copy can be filed via mail.
Free Printable North Carolina Income Tax Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
If you failed to pay or underpaid your estimated taxes for the past tax year, you must file form D-422 to calculate any interest or penalties due with your income tax return.
Free Printable North Carolina Income Tax Disability Tax Credit Worksheet
Disability Tax Credit Worksheet
Complete form D-429 to determine the tax credits available for a disability of yours or a family members. Family members include dependants and/or a spouse.
Free Printable North Carolina Income Tax Individual Estimated Income Tax
Individual Estimated Income Tax
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Estimated tax payments must be sent to the North Carolina Department of Revenue on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable North Carolina Income Tax Estimated Tax Instructions
Estimated Tax Instructions
If you are self employed or otherwise need to file form NC-40, reference these instructions to help you properly fill out and file your taxes.
Free Printable North Carolina Income Tax Individual Income Tax Instructions
Individual Income Tax Instructions
If you are a resident of North Carolina or otherwise need to file Form NC-400, reference these instructions to help you properly fill out and file your taxes.
Free Printable North Carolina Tax Table
North Carolina Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable North Carolina datasheet including an income tax table, a list of North Carolina tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

North Dakota Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable North Dakota Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form ND-1 is the general income tax return for North Dakota residents. ND-1 can be eFiled, or a paper copy can be filed via mail.
Free Printable North Dakota Income Tax Instructions and Tax Tables
Instructions and Tax Tables
This booklet includes instruction on how to fill out and file Form ND-1 as well as the corresponding tax tables.
Free Printable North Dakota Income Tax Individual Estimated Income Tax
Individual Estimated Income Tax
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Estimated tax payments must be sent to the North Dakota Department of Revenue on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable North Dakota Income Tax Income Tax Credits
Income Tax Credits
Complete and attach the ND-1 if you are claiming any tax credits.
Free Printable North Dakota Income Tax Individual Short Form
Individual Short Form
ND-EZ is the short form for North Dakota full year residents with no adjustments or credits.
Free Printable North Dakota Income Tax Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
If you failed to pay or underpaid your estimated taxes for the past tax year, you must file form ND-1UT to calculate any interest or penalties due with your income tax return.
Free Printable North Dakota Tax Table
North Dakota Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable North Dakota datasheet including an income tax table, a list of North Dakota tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Ohio Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Ohio Income Tax Ohio Income Tax Information Notice
Ohio Income Tax Information Notice
This form is to be filed by individuals who need to claim that they owe no Ohio income tax for the year.
Free Printable Ohio Income Tax Appliation for Personal Income Tax Refund
Appliation for Personal Income Tax Refund
Fill out and file this form, if you qualify, for a personal income tax refund. It is required that you file this with the Ohio Department of Taxation, and it is suggested that you keep a copy for your records.
Free Printable Ohio Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form IT-1040 is the general income tax return for Ohio residents. IT-1040 can be eFiled, or a paper copy can be filed via mail.
Free Printable Ohio Income Tax Individual Estimated Income Tax Return
Individual Estimated Income Tax Return
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Estimated tax payments must be sent to the Ohio Department of Revenue on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable Ohio Income Tax Income Tax Underpayment Form
Income Tax Underpayment Form
If you failed to pay or underpaid your estimated taxes for the past tax year, you must file form IT-2210-1040 to calculate any interest or penalties due with your income tax return.
Free Printable Ohio Income Tax Income Tax Instruction Booklet
Income Tax Instruction Booklet
Use this printable booklet to help you fill out and file your income taxes. these instructions cover forms 1040, 1040EZ, Telefile and SD 100.
Free Printable Ohio Tax Table
Ohio Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Ohio datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Ohio tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Oklahoma Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Oklahoma Income Tax Imdividual Income Tax Return
Imdividual Income Tax Return
Form 511 is the general income tax return for Oklahoma residents. Form 511 can be eFiled, or a paper copy can be filed via mail.
Free Printable Oklahoma Income Tax Nonresident Income Tax Form
Nonresident Income Tax Form
Nonresidents and part time residents need to file form 511 NR when doing their income taxes for Oklahoma.
Free Printable Oklahoma Income Tax Individual Estimated Income Tax
Individual Estimated Income Tax
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Estimated tax payments must be sent to the Oklahoma Department of Revenue on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable Oklahoma Income Tax Annualized Estimated Tax Worksheet
Annualized Estimated Tax Worksheet
This is the annual worksheet for self employment taxes.
Free Printable Oklahoma Income Tax Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
If you failed to pay or underpaid your estimated taxes for the past tax year, you must file form OW-8-P to calculate any interest or penalties due with your income tax return.
Free Printable Oklahoma Tax Table
Oklahoma Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Oklahoma datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Oklahoma tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Oregon Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Oregon Income Tax Disability Certification
Disability Certification
If you have suffered a complete and permanent loss of function of two limbs during the tax year, you are required to fill out this certification. You need only fill it out once.
Free Printable Oregon Income Tax Estimated Income Tax Instructions
Estimated Income Tax Instructions
If you are self employed or do not pay tax withholding, you need to pay quarterly taxes using form 40-ESV, which is the estimated income tax voucher. Use this instruction booklet to help you fill out and file your voucher/s.
Free Printable Oregon Income Tax Individual Income Tax Form
Individual Income Tax Form
Form 40 is the general income tax return for Oregon residents. Form 40 can be eFiled, or a paper copy can be filed via mail.
Free Printable Oregon Income Tax Individual Estimated Income Tax Return
Individual Estimated Income Tax Return
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Estimated tax payments must be sent to the Oregon Department of Revenue on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable Oregon Income Tax Part Time Resident Tax Form
Part Time Resident Tax Form
Form 40-P is the tax form for part time residents of Oregon to file their Oregon income taxes. File this form only if your qualify as a part-time resident.
Free Printable Oregon Income Tax Income Tax Voucher
Income Tax Voucher
Use this payment voucher to file any payments that you need to make with your Oregon income taxes.
Free Printable Oregon Income Tax Nonresident Tax Form
Nonresident Tax Form
If you are a nonresident of Oregon who makes income from Oregon, and therefore need to file an income tax form, file Form 40N as well as any other tax forms you are required to file.
Free Printable Oregon Income Tax Individual Income Tax Instruction Booklet
Individual Income Tax Instruction Booklet
Use this instructional booklet to help you fill out and file your individual income taxes for Oregon. This booklet also includes Form 40-V and Schedules OR-ASC and OR-529.
Free Printable Oregon Tax Table
Oregon Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Oregon datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Oregon tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Pennsylvania Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Pennsylvania Income Tax Income Tax Instruction Booklet
Income Tax Instruction Booklet
If you need to file Form 40, as most Pennsylvania residents do, for your income taxes, then use this instruction booklet to help you fill out and file your form.
Free Printable Pennsylvania Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form PA-40 is the general income tax return for Pennsylvania residents. PA-40 can be eFiled, or a paper copy can be filed via mail.
Free Printable Pennsylvania Income Tax Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Estimated tax payments must be sent to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable Pennsylvania Income Tax Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
If you failed to pay or underpaid your estimated taxes for the past tax year, you must file form REV-1630 to calculate any interest or penalties due with your income tax return.
Free Printable Pennsylvania Income Tax Application for Extension of Time to File
Application for Extension of Time to File
If you have not been granted an extension of time to file your Federal taxes, you need to fill this form out for an extension of time to file state taxes.
Free Printable Pennsylvania Income Tax Estimated Individual Income Tax Worksheet
Estimated Individual Income Tax Worksheet
Use this worksheet to calculate and record your individual estimated income tax.
Free Printable Pennsylvania Income Tax Schedule O
Schedule O
This schedule needs to be filed along with your other income tax forms. This form includes deductions you may qualify for, such as medical savings account contributions or health savings account contributions that were made for federal purposes.
Free Printable Pennsylvania Income Tax Schedule OC
Schedule OC
This schedule needs to be filed along with your income taxes if you qualify for and wish to request any of the following credits: Employment Incentive Payments, Job Creation, Research and Development, Film Production, Organ and Bone Marrow Donor, Keyston
Free Printable Pennsylvania Tax Table
Pennsylvania Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Pennsylvania datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Pennsylvania tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Rhode Island Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Rhode Island Income Tax Income Tax Instruction Booklet
Income Tax Instruction Booklet
Use this form to help you fill out and file your resident income tax form 1040.
Free Printable Rhode Island Income Tax Property Tax Relief Claim
Property Tax Relief Claim
If you are a legal resident of Rhode Island that lives in a household or rents property that is subject to tax in the state and are up to date on all tax payments or rent on the property, and your household income is $30,000 or less, you qualify to file t
Free Printable Rhode Island Income Tax Nonresident Income Tax Form
Nonresident Income Tax Form
If you are a nonresident or part time resident that needs to file taxes in Rhode Island, you need to file form 1040NR.
Free Printable Rhode Island Income Tax Individual Income tax Return
Individual Income tax Return
Form RI-1040 is the general income tax return for Rhode Island residents. RI-1040 can be eFiled, or a paper copy can be filed via mail.
Free Printable Rhode Island Income Tax Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Estimated tax payments must be sent to the Rhode Island Department of Revenue on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable Rhode Island Income Tax IncomeTax Underpayment Form
IncomeTax Underpayment Form
If you failed to pay or underpaid your estimated taxes for the past tax year, you must file form RI-2210 to calculate any interest or penalties due with your income tax return.
Free Printable Rhode Island Tax Table
Rhode Island Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Rhode Island datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Rhode Island tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

South Carolina Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable South Carolina Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form SC-1040 is the general income tax return for South Carolina residents. SC-1040 can be eFiled, or a paper copy can be filed via mail.
Free Printable South Carolina Income Tax Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Estimated tax payments must be sent to the South Carolina Department of Revenue on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable South Carolina Income Tax Tax Credit Form
Tax Credit Form
Complete and attach form SC-1040TC if you claim any tax credits.
Free Printable South Carolina Income Tax Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
If you failed to pay or underpaid your estimated taxes for the past tax year, you must file form SC-2210 to calculate any interest or penalties due with your income tax return.
Free Printable South Carolina Income Tax Individual Income Tax Booklet
Individual Income Tax Booklet
If you need to file taxes in South Carolina, we recommend that you browse this booklet for some more specific information on Income tax in the state.
Free Printable South Carolina Income Tax Form SC1040 Instructional Booklet
Form SC1040 Instructional Booklet
This booklet includes instructions for filling out and filing your SC1040 income tax return.
Free Printable South Carolina Income Tax Tax Tables
Tax Tables
These tax tables detail how much tax is due per how much income you made in the tax year before any deductions or credits have been applied.
Free Printable South Carolina Income Tax Nonresident Instructions
Nonresident Instructions
This booklet contains information for nonresidents on how to file Schedule NR.
Free Printable South Carolina Income Tax Tax Payment Voucher
Tax Payment Voucher
If you are paying the balance due for your income tax return by check or money order but are filing electronically, you need to file Form SC1040-V as well as your other tax forms.
Free Printable South Carolina Income Tax Nonresident Schedule
Nonresident Schedule
If you are a nonresident of South Carolina and need to pay taxes to the state, you need to file Schedule NR with your other tax forms.
Free Printable South Carolina Tax Table
South Carolina Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable South Carolina datasheet including an income tax table, a list of South Carolina tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

South Dakota Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable South Dakota Tax Table
South Dakota Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable South Dakota datasheet including an income tax table, a list of South Dakota tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Tennessee Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Tennessee Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form INC-250 is the general income tax return for Tennessee residents. INC-250 can be eFiled, or a paper copy can be filed via mail.
Free Printable Tennessee Income Tax Application for Extension of Time
Application for Extension of Time
To file this application, you must send it before or on the statury due date, which is the fifteenth day of the fourth month after the end of the taxpayer's year.
Free Printable Tennessee Income Tax Application for Extension
Application for Extension
Form INC-251 is the form you need to file for an extension of time to file your income taxes with Tennessee.
Free Printable Tennessee Income Tax Individual Income Tax Kit
Individual Income Tax Kit
This booklet includes Form INC-250, the general income tax form for Tennessee, and Schedules A and B.This booklet also includes instructions for how to fill out and file those forms.
Free Printable Tennessee Tax Table
Tennessee Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Tennessee datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Tennessee tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Texas Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Texas Tax Table
Texas Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Texas datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Texas tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Utah Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Utah Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form TC-40 is the general income tax return for Utah residents. TC-40 can be eFiled, or a paper copy can be filed via mail.
Free Printable Utah Income Tax Non and Part Year Resident Schedule
Non and Part Year Resident Schedule
Form TC-40B is the non and part-year resident schedule for persons who need to file income taxes in the state of Utah but are not full time residents. This includes nonresidents are well as part-time residents who earn income in the state.
Free Printable Utah Income Tax Individual Income Tax
Individual Income Tax
Form TC-40 is the general income tax form for Utah full-time residents.
Free Printable Utah Income Tax Utah Income Tax Instructional Booklet
Utah Income Tax Instructional Booklet
This booklet includes instructions for filling out and filing your TC-40 income tax return.
Free Printable Utah Income Tax Offers in Compromise Booklet
Offers in Compromise Booklet
This booklet includes instructions, information, and forms to complete any offers in compromise.
Free Printable Utah Tax Table
Utah Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Utah datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Utah tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Vermont Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Vermont Income Tax Estimated Income Tax Instructions
Estimated Income Tax Instructions
These instructions explain how to fill out and file your self employment taxes.
Free Printable Vermont Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form IN-111 is the general income tax return for Vermont residents. IN-111 can be eFiled, or a paper copy can be filed via mail.
Free Printable Vermont Income Tax Estimated Income Tax
Estimated Income Tax
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Estimated tax payments must be sent to the Vermont Department of Taxes on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable Vermont Income Tax Application for Extension of Time
Application for Extension of Time
Make sure to file an application for extension of time to file by the due date.
Free Printable Vermont Income Tax Income Tax Instructional Booklet
Income Tax Instructional Booklet
This booklet contains information on how to fill out and file your income taxes for Vermont. The instructions cover how to complete all resident, part-year, and nonresident tax forms.
Free Printable Vermont Tax Table
Vermont Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Vermont datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Vermont tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Virginia Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Virginia Income Tax Commissioners of the Revenue Contact Information
Commissioners of the Revenue Contact Information
Use this to figure out where to mail your tax return or what number to call with questions.
Free Printable Virginia Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form 760 is the general income tax return for Virginia residents; it can be e-filed or filed by mail.
Free Printable Virginia Income Tax Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
If you failed to pay or underpaid your estimated taxes for the past tax year, you must file form 760C to calculate any interest or penalties due with your income tax return.
Free Printable Virginia Income Tax Estimated Individual Income tax Return
Estimated Individual Income tax Return
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Estimated tax payments must be sent to the Virginia Department of Revenue on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable Virginia Income Tax Part Year Schedule of Income
Part Year Schedule of Income
If you are a part-year resident of Virginia, you must file Form 760PY as well as your other tax forms.
Free Printable Virginia Income Tax Nonresident Income Tax Return
Nonresident Income Tax Return
Nonresidents of Virginia, who need to file income taxes in Virginia state, need to file Form 763.
Free Printable Virginia Income Tax Nonresident Income Tax Instructions
Nonresident Income Tax Instructions
Nonresidents of Virginia need to file Form 763 for their Virginia income taxes. use this booklet to help you fill out and file your nonresident income tax form.
Free Printable Virginia Income Tax Virginia Income Tax Instructional Booklet
Virginia Income Tax Instructional Booklet
This booklet includes instructions for filling out and filing your Form 760 income tax return.
Free Printable Virginia Income Tax Credit Computation Schedule
Credit Computation Schedule
Use this to calulate your tax credits. Attach Schedule CR to your return.
Free Printable Virginia Income Tax Schedule CR Instructional Booklet
Schedule CR Instructional Booklet
Use this to properly calulate your tax credits with Schedule CR.
Free Printable Virginia Income Tax Adjustments to Gross Income
Adjustments to Gross Income
Use this schedule to calculate any adjustments to your gross income caused by disability or low-income credits, penalties, etc. Must be attached to Virginia Schedule 760.
Free Printable Virginia Tax Table
Virginia Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Virginia datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Virginia tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Washington Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Washington Tax Table
Washington Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Washington datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Washington tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

West Virginia Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable West Virginia Income Tax West Virginia Estimated Tax Instructions
West Virginia Estimated Tax Instructions
Use this booklet to properly fill out and file your individual estimated income tax vouchers.
Free Printable West Virginia Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Form IN-140 is the general income tax return for West Virginia residents; it can be e-filed or sent by mail.
Free Printable West Virginia Income Tax Individual Estimated Income Tax Return
Individual Estimated Income Tax Return
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Estimated tax payments must be sent to the West Virginia Department of Revenue on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable West Virginia Income Tax Nonresident Income Tax Return
Nonresident Income Tax Return
Nonresidents of West Virginia, who need to file income taxes with the state, need to file form IT-140NRS.
Free Printable West Virginia Income Tax Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
Estimated Tax Underpayment Form
If you failed to pay or underpaid your estimated taxes for the past tax year, you must file form IT-210 to calculate any interest or penalties due with your return.
Free Printable West Virginia Income Tax West Virginia Income Tax Instructional Booklet
West Virginia Income Tax Instructional Booklet
This booklet includes instructions for filling out and filing your Form IT-140 income tax return.
Free Printable West Virginia Income Tax Tax Payment Voucher
Tax Payment Voucher
If you owe taxes on your tax return, make sure to file Form IT-140V, the tax payment voucher, along with your payment. If you are getting a refund or have no tax due, then you need not file this form.
Free Printable West Virginia Tax Table
West Virginia Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable West Virginia datasheet including an income tax table, a list of West Virginia tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Wisconsin Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Wisconsin Income Tax Income Tax Return (Long Form)
Income Tax Return (Long Form)
Form 1 is the general income tax return (long form) for Wisconsin residents. It can be efiled or sent by mail.
Free Printable Wisconsin Income Tax Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
Estimated Individual Income Tax Return
You must pay estimated income tax if you are self employed or do not pay sufficient tax withholding. Estimated tax payments must be sent to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue on a quarterly basis.
Free Printable Wisconsin Income Tax Estimated Income Tax Instructions
Estimated Income Tax Instructions
If you are self employed or do not have your taxes withheld, you need to file estimated income taxes with Form 1-ES; use this instructional booklet to help you fill out and file your estimated income taxes.
Free Printable Wisconsin Income Tax Income Tax Return (Short Form)
Income Tax Return (Short Form)
Form 1A if the general income tax return (short form) for Wisconsin residents, it can be efiled or sent by mail.
Free Printable Wisconsin Income Tax Non and Part Year Resident Tax
Non and Part Year Resident Tax
If you are a nonresident or part-year resident of Wisconsin, you need to file Form 1NPR as well as your other tax forms.
Free Printable Wisconsin Income Tax Non and Part Year Tax Instructions
Non and Part Year Tax Instructions
This booklet includes instructions for filling out and filing Form 1NPR for Wisconsin non and part year residents who claim income from the state.
Free Printable Wisconsin Income Tax Wisconsin Form 1A Instructional Booklet
Wisconsin Form 1A Instructional Booklet
This booklet includes instructions for filling out and filing Form 1A for Wisconsin residents.
Free Printable Wisconsin Income Tax Underpayment of Estimated Tax
Underpayment of Estimated Tax
If you underpaid your estimated income taxes for the prior year, you need to file Schedule U along with your other tax forms to ensure that you are up to date on your tax payment.
Free Printable Wisconsin Tax Table
Wisconsin Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Wisconsin datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Wisconsin tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Wyoming Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Wyoming Tax Table
Wyoming Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Wyoming datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Wyoming tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.

Puerto Rico Tax Forms [View All]

Free Printable Puerto Rico Income Tax Individual Income Tax Return
Individual Income Tax Return
Forma Corta is the general income tax form for Puerto Rico residents.
Free Printable Puerto Rico Income Tax Income Tax Instruction Booklet
Income Tax Instruction Booklet
Forma Corta is the general income tax form for Puerto Rico residents. These Instructions will help you fill out and file Forma Corta.
Free Printable Puerto Rico Tax Table
Puerto Rico Tax Table and QuickReference provides a printable Puerto Rico datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Puerto Rico tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.