Indiana Tax Forms for 2024 and 2025 provides free access to printable PDF versions of the most popular Indiana tax forms. Be sure to verify that the form you are downloading is for the correct year. Keep in mind that some states will not update their tax forms for 2025 until January 2026.
If the form you are looking for is not listed here, you will be able to find it on the Indiana 's tax forms page (see the citations at the bottom of this page).
Schedules 3 and 4 - Income Tax Exemptions, Other TaxesFile Schedules 3 & 4 to itemize your tax exemptions, and additional taxes paid.
Schedule 7 - Additional Required InformationSchedule 7 is used for reporting additional information not reported on other schedules, such as out-of-state income, farm/fishing income, or the death of a taxpayer listed in Form IT-40.
Schedule 5 - Income Tax CreditsFile a completed Schedule 5 if you wish to claim itemized tax credits on your Form IT-40.
Schedule 2 - Income Tax DeductionsFile Schedule 2 with your IT-40 tax return to itemize your income tax deductions.
Income Tax Instructions - Indiana Income Tax Instruction BookletThis booklet includes instructions for filling out and filing your IT-40 income tax return.
Form IT-40 EZ - Simple Income Tax ReturnIf you have a simple state tax return, you can file an IT-40 EZ form instead of the regular Form IT-40.
Form IT-40 - Individual Income Tax ReturnAll Indiana residents who earned income in the last year must file Form IT-40 with the Indiana Department of Revenue. If you have a simple tax return, you can file form IT-40 EZ instead.
Form CT-40 - County Tax ScheduleIf you are an Indiana resident, use the County tax Schedule to determine your local and county income tax.
Indiana Tax Table - Printable tax table and quick reference
Additional Resources: provides a printable Indiana datasheet including an income tax table, a list of Indiana tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.