New Jersey Tax Forms for 2024 and 2025 provides free access to printable PDF versions of the most popular New Jersey tax forms. Be sure to verify that the form you are downloading is for the correct year. Keep in mind that some states will not update their tax forms for 2025 until January 2026.
If the form you are looking for is not listed here, you will be able to find it on the New Jersey 's tax forms page (see the citations at the bottom of this page).
Individual Tax Instructions - Form NJ-1040 InstructionsIf you need to file Form NJ-1040, reference this booklet to help you fill out and file your taxes.
Form NJ-2210 - Estimated Tax Underpayment FormIf you failed to pay or underpaid your estimated taxes for the past tax year, you must file form NJ-2210 to calculate any interest or penalties due with your income tax return.
Form NJ-1040NR - Nonresident Income Tax ReturnForm NJ-140NR is the nonresident version of the NJ-1040 income tax return. This form must be filed by all out of state or part time resident taxpayers who earned over $10,000 in New Jersey over the last year (or $20,000 if filing as a couple or Head of Ho
Form NJ-1040-H - Property Tax Credit ApplicationForm NJ-1040-H is a property tax credit application available to certain home-owners and tenants. This property tax credit is only available on certain years - it has been suspended by the New Jersey State Budget for 2011.
Form NJ-1040-ES - Estimated Tax VouchersIf you are a small business owner, self employed, or have income that is not subjected to tax withholding you may be required to submit quarterly estimated tax payments using a voucher from Form NJ-1040-ES. You are explicitly required to submit quarterly p
Form NJ-1040 - Individual Income Tax ReturnForm NJ-1040 is the general income tax return for New Jersey residents. NJ-1040 can be eFiled using NJWebFile, or a paper copy can be filed via mail. If you are an out-of-state filer, you must use form NJ-1040NR.
Estimated Tax Instructions - Form NJ-1040-ES InstructionsIf you need to file Form NJ-1040-ES, reference this booklet to help you fill out and file your taxes.
New Jersey Tax Table - Printable tax table and quick reference
Additional Resources: provides a printable New Jersey datasheet including an income tax table, a list of New Jersey tax deductions, important URLs and mailing addresses, and more.