New York Income Tax Form IT-216
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New York Child & Dependent Care Credit Claim Updated 11/-0001 |
Printable New York Income Tax Form IT-216
Fill out and attach Form IT-215 if you qualify for the Federal Child Credit and would like to claim New York's Child & Dependent Care Tax Credit. For more information about the New York Income Tax, see the New York Income Tax page.
New York may also allow you to e-file your Form IT-216 instead of mailing in a hard copy, which could result in your forms being received and processed faster. For more details, read more about the New York e-filing program.
Document Source: https://www.tax.ny.gov/pdf/2015/fillin/inc/it216_2015_fill_in.pdf
View Other New York Tax Forms

Individual Income Tax InstructionsIf you are a nresident of New York you need to file form 201. This instruction booklet will help you to fill out and file form 201.

Nonresident Income Tax InstructionsIf you are a nonresident of New York who needs to file income taxes with the state, you must file form 203. This instruction booklet will help you to fill out and file form 203.

Individual Income Tax ReturnForm IT-201 is the standard New York income tax return for state residents. Nonresidents and part-time residents must use must use Form IT-203 instead.

Additional Taxes and Tax CreditsForm IT-201-ATT is a schedule that can be attached to your Form IT-201 Income Tax Return for itemizing tax credits claimed and additional taxes owed (including capital gains and other misc. taxes).

Nonresident Income Tax ReturnForm IT-203 is the nonresident and part year resident income tax return.

Earned Income Tax Credit ClaimFill out and attach Form IT-215 if you qualify for the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and would like to claim the New York Earned Income Tax Credit.

Child & Dependent Care Credit ClaimFill out and attach Form IT-215 if you qualify for the Federal Child Credit and would like to claim New York's Child & Dependent Care Tax Credit.